Monday, March 1, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Oh, hi!

It seems I've ignored about a sixth of the year so far. That went really fast. It's been a heck of a year so far.

On January 19th, Caden and Rohan turned two! They had a fun birthday party with family, and enjoyed the heck out of their cake. That same weekend we also got together with Dina's brother and sister and their families for "sibling Christmas", which was a lot of fun.

We dealt with coughs and colds and sick kids through the beginning of February, so that month flew by really fast.

I've been able to get together to play Dungeons & Dragons with friends more often recently. We're playing fourth edition, which I initially didn't want to embrace, but to which I have come around. It is both geeky and awesome, and is a ton of fun every time.

There has been some sadness this year, too. My uncle Wayne, my mom's brother, passed away toward the end of February; he was 60 years old, and had cancer and heart failure. We went to the funeral last week. I will miss him.

In happier news, I've decided I want to lose some weight this year. I decided to set a ridiculously easy goal for myself: I want to lose one pound per week. That will put me in a pretty good place by the end of this year. So far it's working; I am down five pounds for February, which is when I really got started. Woo hoo! My approach is pretty simple: write down what I eat, and exercise every work day. My wife is also working on losing weight, but she is more dedicated and is doing so at a faster pace than me. She's working really hard at it, and I'm proud of her!

That's all for now, but hopefully I'll keep up with this a little better for the remaining five-sixths of the year. I owe it to the three of you who read this. :-)

1 comment:

  1. way to go Corey (and your wife of course)! Janelley and I are doing a similar mass reduction and it is working too :)
