Monday, March 1, 2010

Little Green Aliens

Some friends and I have a private forum website where we chat with each other and post interesting and funny stuff for each other to read. This place is called the Jabberboard, and one of the things we've devised to amuse ourselves is something called the Jabberboard Cover Song Challenge. The challenge consists of a series of rounds in which someone defines The Rules, and then everyone who wants to take part records a cover song that follows The Rules. Very fun.

The Rules for the current round are basically "record a song from your band in high school." I decided it would be fun to record a version of a silly song called "Little Green Aliens" (the original is online at I got together with Lundo and Phil, a drummer and guitarist with whom I'm good friends and have played in various bands, and we recorded a new version, in which (gasp!) I sing. We dubbed ourselves "Negative Terminal" (a riff on "Ground", the band the three of us were in together), and recorded this.


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