Dina sent me some great pics today at work. You can see how much bigger these babies are getting! They're looking more and more like little people every day.
Here's Griffin grabbing on to the baby toy, Caden looking fascinated by it, and Rohan looking bored of the whole thing.

And here are Caden and Rohan being very expressive. This is great to see! They're starting to progress beyond the "eat/poop/sleep/repeat" phase. Woo hoo!

This weekend looks to be busy, but fun. Saturday around noon Grandpa Dice (my dad) and Great-grandma Fran (his mom) are coming up to visit for a couple hours. That evening, Dina and I are piling our family into the minivan to trek out to River Falls to Reuben and Carrie's for Halvard's birthday party. There will be a number of other kids and babies there, plus a bunch of the Jabberboard crew as well. Should be a good time! Then on Sunday night I'm heading over to Ben's place to play D&D with a bunch of other D&D nerds, in memoriam of Gary Gygax, the creator of Dungeons and Dragons. I am far more excited for this than I have any right to be. I even bought a brand spankin' new set of dice for the event! And yes, the set includes a d12. I refuse to believe the D&D world has changed at all since I was a teenager.
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