Thursday, February 7, 2008

Holy time warp, Batman!

Has it really been so long since I posted? The days are flying by, which I don't expect to stop anytime soon. That's right, my boys will be driving any day now, I'm sure. I completely subscribe to the theory that as one gets older time seems to go faster because each unit of time is relatively smaller to one's realm of experience. It's why when you're five, the time between Christmases seems huge (a fifth of your life!), but when you're thirty, it seems much shorter (it is, relatively).

Anyway, here are some of the things that have been going on the last few days:
  • Caden and Rohan got their first sponge bath. Total cuteness! (Pics coming soon.)
  • Wildly inconsistent sleep. Some nights the boys seem to want to nurse about every half hour. It's tiring for me, since we co-sleep with the babies, but it must be totally draining for my wife.
  • Food, food, food. I think we're finally near the end of all the food people gave us. I have truly never eaten so well!
  • Two of my coworkers had their babies, both on Feb 2nd. Congrats to Greg and Jenn, and to Aaron and Becky!
  • Yesterday Theresa and her New Year baby Morgan visited. Morgan is a doll; such a cutie! I spent the morning with Griffin at a huge indoor playground called Adventure Park. It was awesome, because it's set up so parents can climb around in the tunnels and stuff with their kids. I felt like a big kid myself. The best part about being a parent is how young it makes you feel! (Of course, reality crashed headlong into my body and I feel MUCH older today. Ah, well.)

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