What a great weekend! It started out a little rough as neither Dina nor I got much sleep on Friday night while Dina prepared for her Creative Memories event on Saturday and we both took care of the kids. We think Caden and Rohan are starting to teethe (at three months! give us a break!); it was definitely a long night and early morning.
The actual day went pretty well, though. Dina took off for her all-day event a little after 8:00 a.m., and I was alone with the kids for a couple hours. My mom was coming into town to help take care of the kids, but the roads between her place and ours (she lives about 120 miles from us) were horrible, and her trip took much longer than normal. She arrived around 10:30, though, and it was nice to have her help for the day. Dina came home around lunch time, and then she went back to her event while my mom, the kids, and I took an afternoon trip to run some errands. We met up with Dina at her event to show off the babies for a little while, then went home and hung out until it was time for me to go pick up Dina. Normally we stay up really late when my mom comes over, but that didn't happen this weekend due to Friday being such a bear of a night.
The sun showed its face on Sunday! I had my doubts for a while there...I was really getting into a lack-of-sun-and-warmth funk. Sunday, with its bright sunny sky and decently warm temperature, completely changed that. Dina and I took Griffin, Caden, and Rohan out to the Coon Rapids Dam park. My mom came with and took a quick walk with us, then headed home to make sure she was home before it started getting dark. Dina and I had Caden and Rohan in a double-stroller that you just clip removable carseats into, which is very handy. We brought Griffin's stroller-tricycle (it's a trike that has a handle sticking up from the back that lets an adult push and steer). We walked across the dam, which is always impressive, spent some time at the park's visitor center, then walked to a little playground and let Griffin run off some steam. After some playtime we headed back across the dam and to our minivan to go home.
It was great to get some fresh air and exercise with the whole family! We were pretty pooped out by the time we got home, though - Griffin and Dina collapsed on the couch while Rohan slept in his carseat. Caden and I had some one-on-one hanging-out time, then I put him down to play on his playmat while I dozed a little. I've got some great photos I'll have to post!
Now it's back to work. Mondays are so much easier after having a refreshing Sunday. Here's hoping for many more to come!